Photos and captions by Shane Faulkner.
Following the water course.
The kennet meandering along by Silbury Hill.
It wasn’t just man’s best friend and us walking this path – Badger prints.
The clear chalk stream waters of the Kennet.
Down at the river bank.
Silbury Hill from Waden Hill.
The sun began to shine as we reached the hill top.
Steve talks about archaeoastronomy
Silbury hill and Dandelion, bugs eye view.
Male Wheatear freshly in from Africa.
Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly and a Pied Sheildbug
A lovely pleasant days stroll down the hill.
Different Perspectives.
Interesting shapes with the Lichen
West Kennet Avenue.
Beech tree canopy.
The keen eye of a Jackdaw.
The bond.