
Penelope Foreman, BU PhD student and HH volunteer, provided this list of resources for anyone wanting to do some further study between the sessions.


  1. Firstly, an online repository of images that has great archive pictures of Stonehenge at various points in time, great for seeing how the road layout used to be, photos of finds from the area, and images of sunrise and sunset at various times of the year. You do not need to log in to search, view, or download images.
  2. Next is the Archaeological Data Service, which hosts databases of site reports, archives, and other resources. Some of the holdings are not as easy to access as others, as they are text or csv files that will require knowledge of and access to various programmes to run, but, there are lots of links to excavation reports and journal articles that are much easier to digest. Upon searching, I’d recommend using the menu on the left to narrow it down to one type, eg grey literature reports, as there are many many results for Stonehenge! Once again, you do not need to login to access this service.


  1. Stonehenge (Council for British Archaeology’s Archaeology for All) 2015 by Mike Parker Pearson, Josh Pollard, Colin Richards, Julian Thomas, Kate Welham. This recent guide is very readable and covers a lot of ground, with great illustrations that make untangling things like the timeline and landscape connections much easier.
  2. Stonehenge: the biography of a landscape by Tim Darvill 2007. Very good for placing Stonehenge in its landscape and the broader context.
  3. Stonehenge: Exploring the greatest Stone Age mystery Paperback – 2013 by Mike Parker Pearson. Again very readable, and one for those wanting to know more about the Wales-Stonehenge link.
  4. Stonehenge Complete – 2012 by Christopher Chippindale Thames and Hudson. Very interesting look at the history of the study of Stonehenge rather than the history of Stonehenge itself – great if you want to look at how people ave interacted with and theorised about the site over time.

ARTICLES – online that can be accessed freely.

  1.  Vespasian’s Camp: Cradle of Stonehenge (Current Archaeology 2013). The site that is getting a lot of press attention, and may have implications on the origins of the significance of the Stonehenge area.
  2. Google Under-the-Earth: Seeing Beneath Stonehenge using Google Earth – a Tool for Public Engagement and the Dissemination of Archaeological Data (Internet Archaeology 2012). Great open access article about using new technologies to get new perspectives on Stonehenge.

RECENT ARTICLES about up to date discoveries



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