Session 8 The Avenue and King Barrow Ridge

Blog by Jessie Swinburne

Today started in good spirits as everyone claimed their pottery and saw how they turned out…  We set off on our walk with the pottery in hand, poised and ready to leave the pottery work, wherever fancied in the landscape… after a quick song, many smiles were raised, we set off on the minibus ready to explore…

We arrived at the New Kings Barrow. It’s always interesting to stop and reflect on the meaning of the what we are seeing, the ancestors’ landscape, and just breathing in the fresh air from the trees, and embracing the colours around. We sang together again and then everyone wandered around. A group of drummers and percussionist formed sitting on a fallen tree. All enjoying making sound, and just being in the landscape.

We began walking around the landscape once more, and headed towards the main stone circle. A few people located the avenue for us, we all walked up it. It was breathtaking and beautiful to see the stones from this angle. It also really helped to put the rest of the landscape into context, as we were able to orientate ourselves by seeing and tracing where we have been the previous weeks. People placed their pots in individual locations around the landscape.

We walked back for our tea and lunch end stop, we walked quite far this week and were ready to go back. Excitement is building for the winter solstice, plans were discussed for that and people are looking forward to it!

Photos by Yvette Staelens